About Us
Everyone has a unique business journey.
No matter where you are on that journey, Real Estate can help you create financial freedom and can help you to start living the life you have always dreamed of!

Shannon Quagliata
Open House Masters CEO/Founder and Head Coach
In 2021, I began hosting open house workshops for Real Estate Agents talking about my unique system of checking in all visitors with verified contact information with my Open House Check-In App, Open Houses Direct. When I first started the workshops, I would get email after email from agents saying ... “Your app is amazing for checking in people with verified contact information...
“How do I “find” the right open houses to hold open? How do I get people in the door? How do you get them to agree to give you their accurate contact information without it being awkward? What follow-up strategies do you use to get them to want to work with you?”
I soon realized that the true power of open houses is that it’s not just in the follow-up that leads to the conversions, it’s all of the steps before and in between showing up and the following-up that lead to clients wanting to work with you.
Being a golfer, and growing up around golf, I would continually see similarities between being a real estate agent and being a successful golfer or any professional athlete, especially when it came to converting leads at open houses. In any professional sport, you cannot expect to show up on game day and win without spending hundreds of hours practicing.. and you need to know every part of the game. In golf, for example, you need to know how to use every club in your bag BEFORE you show up to compete. You can’t expect to win only knowing how to properly use one or two clubs in your bag, when in order to truly compete you need to know how to use every club! Open Houses are no different. Most real estate agents show up to their Open House, put signs out, and then try and follow up with their leads with no success. They think that their lack of success is because Open Houses don’t work when really it is because they are missing all of the steps in between, all of the tools, that are necessary to “win” the client.
For over ten years, I was struggling like most agents to make Open Houses work for me. I had no system for finding the right Open Houses that would have people coming in the door, I wouldn’t prepare ahead of time, I had no check-in system and my follow-up system was mediocre at best. I was holding open houses and I was not converting leads and became deflated and exhausted from the numerous weekends I was giving up just to come home with zero leads and zero results.
Then a lightbulb went off!
I started spending more time choosing the Open Houses more carefully, I started preparing for my open houses much more in-depth, I had a check-in system that required everyone at my open house to check in with my Open Houses Direct, the only Check-In App, and I mastered the conversations that allowed me to follow up in a more relationship-oriented way and started converting leads!
With this new system, I had more confidence at my Open Houses, my conversations were more engaging, I was capturing accurate contact information and my follow-up systems were working to convert leads!! In the past, I would continually lose leads by not being able to read their handwriting on my paper sign-in sheet. I would also never hear back from most of my leads again since my follow-up was so generic I had no idea who was who since everyone just signed in on a piece of paper and I had no notes on anyone. Many times I wouldn’t even get to the point of getting their information because I had too many people in the house who wanted to talk with me, and the hottest leads would walk out the door.. never to be seen again.
Since creating this program, I have been so successful at my Open Houses, that I have made it my mission to share many “simple” tools that I created through years of doing it the wrong way. What I have learned through my experiences that led me to create this program can help ANY agent convert more leads at their Open Houses.
And.. that is the key... “simple”! If you remember it, you will use it.
The CMR Method, which is the method I teach in our Open House Mastery Course, was created to make the process of doing open houses “simple and memorable.” It teaches you how easy it is to have conversations that convert since “all conversions happen in conversations.” Without the conversations, you can’t have the conversions. You can’t have the conversations unless you get people in the door, you have prepared for the conversations and you implement the follow-up systems that work!
Any agent at any level can use this system and succeed!
You have no idea what you are truly capable of until you put yourself out there.
A goal without a plan is just a wish. Having a plan, or a system, is the only way to reach your goals.
Open House Masters is the system… you just need to implement what is taught and the rest is history!